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What You Do at Home Matters 


What is Plaque

Plaque is the white furry sticky stuff that is on your teeth. It is deposited there by the bacteria in our mouths. 

Its purpose is to attract more sugar which feeds the bacteria allowing it to grow on your tooth.

If you are wondering why your gums bleed when you brush them. This is why.  The Bacteria and Plaque keeps the gums angry and inflamed therefore it bleeds. The longer the plaque is left on the tooth the more toxins the bacteria releases to make the gums inflamed. (Why does bacteria do this?- bleeding sore gums brings your bodies nutrients to the bacteria)

Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel

What harm can plaque do?


The tooth

Plaque acts as a reservoir for the sugar the bacteria consumes. As it consumes sugar it produces acid. This acid attacks the tooth enamel and softens it. This leads to holes in the tooth.


The Gum

Keeps it inflamed and ready to bleed


The Bone

keeps the toxins and that the bacteria releases besides the tooth.


This can result in the bone being attacked and therefore lost around the tooth.


If you loose enough of this bone you will loose the tooth.



the need to maintain your oral hygiene.


this is  crucial for the stabily of your mouth, the restorations we provide and the reduction in your dental issues.


Flossing correctly.

Most clients are confident that they floss correctly.


In my experience unfortunately this is not the case if the patient has not been shown exactly how to do it. 

Please ask your dentist to demonstrate the correct technique to you. This is key to keeping the teeth you have more stable and to stop you hurting yourself while you are doing it.



Brushing is important to remove the plaque that causes decay and gum disease. It is not enough to whizz around the mouth with minimal contact with your teeth. This is why dentists recommend that you spend at least 2 minutes brushing your teeth. 


Reassuring, professional treatment and advice from Dr. Smita, assisted by Annie.


- M.D -

As Seen On Google Reviews


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Private Working Hours


9.00 am - 5.30 pm

9.00 am - 7.00 pm

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8.00 am - 7.00 pm

9.00 am - 5.00 pm

9.00 am - 1.00 pm


NHS Working Hours

Monday to Friday  9.00 am - 5.30 pm

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