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Root Canal in Bromley

Root canal treatment (also called endodontics) is needed when the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected through tooth decay or damaged by an injury to your mouth. This infection may spread through the root canal system and could eventually lead to an abscess, causing a great deal of discomfort. If root canal treatment is not carried out, the tooth may need to be taken out.

Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel

Root canal therapy involves the following:

  1. First, local anaesthetic will be administered to ensure no discomfort is felt during treatment.

  2. The tooth will be prepared with a drill, allowing access to the root canal system.

  3. The root canal system will be thoroughly cleaned out to remove all infection and pulp.

  4. The root canal system is then filled and sealed temporarily with a crown.

  5. The tooth is checked at a later visit and when all the infection has cleared, the tooth is permanently filled.


Root canal treatment is a skilled and time-consuming procedure and most courses of treatment will involve two or more visits.


Life Benefits

  • Preservation of remaining healthy tooth structure.

  • Prevention of infection spreading any further.

  • Restoration of tooth to its natural look and feel.


Really good experience and helpful members of staff all around. Ritu and David really worked well together to help me with a crowning and root canal problem I had, thank you!


- R.M -

As Seen On Google Reviews


Contact Us


220 High Street, Bromley Kent. BR11PW

Call us today: 020 8464 2900  |  Email:


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Opening Hours

Private Working Hours


9.00 am - 5.30 pm

9.00 am - 7.00 pm

9.00 am - 5.30 pm

8.00 am - 7.00 pm

9.00 am - 5.00 pm

9.00 am - 1.00 pm


NHS Working Hours

Monday to Friday  9.00 am - 5.30 pm

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