Leo Tam

BDS Lond 2009
GDC No. 177380
Leo trained at the Royal London Hospital and qualified in 2009. He joined Bromley Dental Studio as an associate dentist in 2015, he is a General Dental Practitioner offering all round restorative treatment.
As a firm believer of evidence-based dentistry, Leo prides himself on clinical excellence by giving his patients all of the options that modern dentistry has to offer, he prides himself on being compassionate, empathetic and having excellent communication skills.
Leo has completed extensive post-graduate training in aesthetic and restorative dentistry, as well as endodontics (Root Canal Treatment) and has a special interest in surgical procedures including wisdom teeth extraction.
As a qualified aligners provider, Leo has experience in straightening teeth using a number of leading companies including Invisalign, Straumann and 6-month smile and using tooth whitening and minimally invasive cosmetic bonding to improve the appearance of teeth.
In his spare time, Leo is a bit of a film buff, he loves travelling, spending time with his friends and family and the latest addition to his household, his cat Toastie!
As proud Hong Konger Leo is fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin.
Leo於2015年加入Bromley Dental Studio,現為常駐全科牙醫,一直本著『安全至上、以人為本』的精神服務大眾,其深入淺出的溝通、細心關顧的考量和仁心仁術的作風甚受病人推崇。
在空餘時間,Leo是個電影迷及旅遊迷。不過,他始終最重視陪伴家人的珍貴時刻。而兩位新成員 - 德文鬈毛貓 Toastie & Tammy更為Leo一家增添了不少新意和樂趣呢 !